Tom Keating

Tom Keating is a long time Needham, Massachusetts resident and a veteran of the Vietnam War. He served in the US Army at Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Logistical Command, and Headquarters Company, US Army Vietnam, (USARV). Both units were in Long Binh, Vietnam. His service earned him two Army Commendation Medal for his work. His memoir of his military experiences in the US Army, “Yesterday’s Soldier, A Passage from Prayer to the Vietnam War” is the story of his journey from Infantry Officer Candidate (OCS) to conscientious objector and is available on Amazon. After his military service, Tom attended Boston University and completed his master’s degree in Education, and taught at the high school in Burlington, MA for eight years. A career in corporate communications and learning with companies like Wang Laboratories, Digital Equipment Corporation, IBM, and EMC Corporation followed. He also produced news and public affairs broadcasts for local Boston television and national cable television programs. Tom entered and completed the AGAPE writing program for veterans at the Woods College of Advancing Studies at Boston College under the direction of Roxana Von Kraus. He attended the Joiner Institute Master Writing Program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston in 2017 and 2018. His work has appeared in national anthologies such as “War Stories,” an anthology edited by Sean Davis, and “Shakedown” published by Warrior Writers Boston in their book “Complacency Kills.” His current work includes “Vietnam Memorial, Past and Present,” published in the national magazine, “The Veteran” of the Vietnam Veterans of America. Tom is also a member of the Military Writers Society of America. His author website is Tom and his wife, the watercolor artist Kathleen Keating, live in Massachusetts where he is an active member of the Needham Veterans of Foreign Wars Post, Vietnam Veterans of America and is committed to assisting veterans of all ages.

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